Aéroport International Félix Houphouët-Boigny d'Abidjan
Flight Scheduled Destination Terminal Status
KQ 521 20:20 NAIROBI T2 Take off at 20:53
HF 824 20:20 LIBREVILLE T1 Boarding
HF 802 20:30 DOUALA T1 Boarding
HF 500 20:40 ACCRA T1 Boarding
HF 839 02:00 POINTE NOIRE T1
HC 304 22:00 DAKAR (BLAISE DIAGNE) T2 Check-in
AF 703 22:15 PARIS (CDG) T1 Check-in
HF 510 22:20 LOME T1 Check-in
TU 399 22:30 TUNIS T2 Check-in
SS 985 23:55 PARIS (ORLY) T1
Flight Scheduled Origin Terminal Status
EK 787 15:00 DUBAI T1 Landed at 14:25
HF 045 16:00 KORHOGO T2 Landed at 15:48
HF 059 16:35 MAN T2 Landed at 16:14
SA 056 17:00 JOHANNESBOURG T1 Landed at 16:47
HF 903 17:05 JOHANNESBOURG T1 Landed at 17:21
HF 721 17:30 CONAKRY T1 Landed at 17:04
TU 399 21:30 TUNIS T2
SS 984 21:40 PARIS (ORLY) T1 Expected at 21:49
HF 791 23:00 CASABLANCA T1 Expected at 22:43
AF 704 23:55 PARIS (CDG) T1

General aviation

For general aviation, Abidjan airport has a runway has a runway length of 3000 m. The platform is accessible at any time thanks to the ILS CAT I. It is suitable for small and long range jets.

You can contact the airlines and companies below for more information:

Maxair +225 59 05 77 12 / +225 21 58 01 65 – maxair@ias-maxair.com
IAS (International Aircraft Service) +225 08 72 00 22 / +225 08 11 84 12 – Dalysaintpaul1970@gmail.com
Ivoire Helicoptere +225 21 27 83 81 – marc.koska@ivoirehelicoptere.com
Solenta Aviation +225 21 75 66 30 – solenta.aviationci@solenta.com
NHV (Noordzee Helikopters Vlaanderen) +225 48 87 28 15 – CDIadnin@nhv.be
Aerocoporate +225 07 67 78 09/ +225 21 58 74 58 – mandademap@yahoo.fr
Aero Club d’Abidjan +225 21 27 83 63 – info@acabidjan.ci
Galaxy +225 48 58 58 58/ +225 77 25 00 25 – addmgan@yahoo.fr / drgas@hotmail.fr
International Technology +225 07 06 11 76 – itops2011@yahoo.fr
African Open Sky +225 08 95 93 29 – Luckyman@africaopensky.aero
Jetex +225 89 89 80 80 – fbo-abj@jetex.com
Jet Xpress +225 47 57 82 – info@jet-xpress.com
Executive Air Transport +225 09 62 77 96 – www.ea-transport.com

côte d’ivoire ABIDJAN