Setting up a business at the airport
Setting up a business at the airport is an opportunity to benefit from a strategic location at the heart of West Africa and a market of more than one million passengers every year.
The property available consist both of bare land and sales areas. Their transfer to licensees is subject to the signing of an agreement of type AOT (Temporary occupation permit)
We remain at your disposal for your commercial projects and for renting a shop within the airport.
For further information, please contact the Land department of the General Management of AERIA.
Tel: +225 21 75 79 24 / +225 21 75 79 20
Advertising display at the airport
For any question or request for advertising display within the airport, please refer directly to the advertising department in charge of the advertising space of Félix Houphouët – Boigny international airport:
Global Outdoor Systems
Tel: +225 21 34 05 38